Our Firewall Managed Service monitors and maintains your firewall infrastructure according to industry best practice.

The Pentesec Firewall Managed Service takes care of the day to day elements of firewall management – which is about more than updates and patches. Backed by transparent SLAs, we make sure your security measures match your requirements and provide guidance on how to optimise your firewall configurations, based on our experience.

The benefits of the Pentesec Firewall Managed Service are:

The Managed Firewall Service is built to focus on and support key areas of your security posture. We continuously optimise critical security features and make sure all tasks and projects are visible, measurable and trackable through the Pentesec Portal.

Firewalls are the first line of defence and form an important part of your network security. As your business grows, the demands on your firewalls will grow and so will the risks. Whether the firewalls are physical or virtual, the threats remain the same and they must be prevented.